Reconciliation Filing Tips


Reconciliation has become a highly utilized tool for many importers to maximize duty reduction benefits under certain FTA programs or to ensure compliance associated with valuation and 9802 claims. The Reconciliation filing process originally commenced as the ACS Reconciliation Prototype test in October 1998. Through the intervening years from 1998 to the present, there has not been any advancement to codify this program into the regulations as there are so many facets of trade compliance that are touched by the rules around the Reconciliation filing process. These rules can be found here: Reconciliation Interim Guidance. Having been involved with Trade Compliance for over 17 years and with an oversight role for the Tradewin Reconciliation service offering for the past number of years, the one thing consistent across that time span is the growing complexity of trade compliance that, in turn, is driving a constant need for continuing education and for developing experts in key areas of Trade Compliance. Reconciliation is no longer just a filing process. Rather, regulatory knowledge, application, and monitoring underpin the exercise.

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Topics: Reconciliation

FTA Recon: What's Involved in that ABI Transmission?

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On January 27th, Tradewin published our ‘Reconciliation Step by Step’ guide. For those interested, a copy is available for download below:

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Topics: Reconciliation, Free Trade Agreements

Don't Miss CBP's Reconciliation Webinar


For those of you who have been involved in Customs Entry Reconciliation, you know how complex the program can be.  We are excited to see that CBP will be hosting a webinar that will cover reconciliation fundamentals and provide insight into the various issues the trade community and CBP Centers of Excellence and Expertise (Centers) experience when filing and processing reconciliation entry summaries.  This information was presented to the Trade community on April 11, 2022, in Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) #51568660.

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Topics: Reconciliation, Compliance Training

5 Lessons in the First Year of Reconciliation in ACE

ACE Training

It has been almost one year since the industry filed its first reconciliation entry in ACE. While there have been many hurdles and many successes, we thought that we would share our top 5 lessons of what we have learned so far.

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Topics: Reconciliation

Step-by-Step Guide to the New Reconciliation Process

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Customs has announced that the reconciliation prototype will finally transition from ACS to ACE on February 24th of 2018.

After a few rounds of delayed implementation dates, the ports are actively liquidating Reconciliation filings to clean up before the deployment. We think the switch to ACE might actually happen this time.

There are some major changes that are coming to the program that the importing community should be aware of.

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Topics: Reconciliation