Duty Drawback: A Guide to Reclaiming Import Costs


If you are a business engaged in international trade, you may have a valuable opportunity to reduce costs through a program known as Duty Drawback. This program allows your business to recover the duties, taxes, and fees paid on imported goods that are subsequently exported or destroyed.

Although the recovery process can be complex, the potential savings can be significant. Continue reading to explore the basics of the program, who is eligible, and how Tradewin can assist you.

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Topics: Duty Drawback, Tradewin, United States, Trade Compliance

5 Things to Know About Duty Drawback in the Automotive Industry


Hello Friends. Just a reminder that billions of eligible drawback dollars go unclaimed each & every year here in the US. Yep..…you heard that right. In this new year and tough economy, we should be looking at every opportunity to positively impact the bottom line. If you haven’t established a duty drawback program, there is no better time than the present. Understanding and effectively utilizing duty drawback is crucial for automotive OEMs to thrive in the face of global competition.

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Topics: Duty Drawback

Navigating Duty Drawback in Canada for Enhanced Profitability


In the world of international trade, Canadian businesses often face the challenge of navigating customs duties, which can significantly impact their overall profitability. Fortunately, the Canadian Duty Drawback program offers a valuable opportunity to recover these duties and boost financial well-being. This program, often overlooked by many businesses, holds immense potential for companies that regularly engage in import and export activities.

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Topics: Duty Drawback, North America

What to Expect From a CBP Full Desk Drawback Review (FDR)

What to Expect in a Full Desk Review-Featured Image

Congratulations, you’ve successfully transmitted a Duty Drawback claim to U.S. Customs and Border Protection! Whether this is your first claim or just one of many, an accepted claim feels like an accomplishment, especially given the complexity of the Modernized Drawback regulations. At this point, many traders may believe their part is over and it’s time to sit back and collect the refund, right? Well, maybe not. Picture this… while (patiently) waiting for your refund, you receive a CBP Request for Information, also known as a CF28, and a notification letter from a CBP Drawback Specialist that your claim requires additional information to be processed, in the form of a Full Desk Review (FDR) - three words that strike fear into even the most seasoned trade professional. Now what?

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Topics: Duty Drawback

The Benefits of Utilizing Warehouse Space in a Foreign Trade Zone

The Benefits of a Free Trade Zone Warehouse Space Header

As anyone working in the logistics and shipping industry knows, the major barriers to importing goods into the United States include duties, taxes, tariffs, and complying with certain government regulations. Luckily, there are ways that businesses can overcome these obstacles and stay competitive and compliant in the global marketplace.

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Topics: Duty Drawback, North America