Tradewin Heads to Orlando for ICPA: Navigating the Future of Trade Compliance

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Tradewin is excited to travel to Orlando, Florida, for the International Compliance Professionals Association (ICPA) event. We look forward to connecting with fellow trade compliance professionals, exploring the latest industry insights, and reinforcing our commitment to providing exceptional service to our clients. 

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Topics: Tradewin, Customs, Trade Compliance, Compliance Training

CBP Publishes Much-Anticipated Ruling on Continuing Education for LCB’s

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The much-anticipated final ruling on continuing education for Licensed Customs Brokers was announced on June 22, 2023. As expected, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), will require brokers to complete 36 hours of continuing education each triennial reporting cycle, beginning with the cycle ending in 2027.

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Topics: Compliance Training

Are You Ready for… Customs Regs?

Are You Ready For ... Customs Regs Header

Well, it’s that time again, and no, I don’t mean Football Season. For those of you new to the CBLE testing game and for others who are well familiar with the joys and rigors of this exam, the next CBLE will take place on Wednesday, October 26, 2022. Registration is now open and will close on September 26, 2022. ALL individuals must register for the exam through an online CBP broker examination registration portal.

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Topics: Compliance Training

Don't Miss CBP's Reconciliation Webinar


For those of you who have been involved in Customs Entry Reconciliation, you know how complex the program can be.  We are excited to see that CBP will be hosting a webinar that will cover reconciliation fundamentals and provide insight into the various issues the trade community and CBP Centers of Excellence and Expertise (Centers) experience when filing and processing reconciliation entry summaries.  This information was presented to the Trade community on April 11, 2022, in Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) #51568660.

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Topics: Reconciliation, Compliance Training

25 Awesome Research Sites for the U.S. Compliance Connoisseur


When it comes to compliance, there are a multitude of things to juggle. I’m often asked for a link to one government site or another and there are certainly hundreds of sites to choose from.

Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees.  Here is a list of websites that contain some basic guidelines for a laundry list of compliance issues. 

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Topics: Compliance Training