It’s that time of year where you get out the fall or winter jacket as the temperatures begin to drop. Well at least they do in Canada. There is almost nothing better than reaching into one of the pockets and finding a 10 or 20 dollar bill. The thoughts race through your mind as you gaze upon your new found treasure. Ahh found money.
Maybe I could buy something nice for someone….
Maybe I could place a bet on my favorite team….Or better still the underdog….
Maybe I could save it for a rainy day…Nah that’s just way too sensible.
Found money can turn up in the most unlikely places. The Canadian Customs Tariff has a whole chapter dedicated to found money, but most people never think to look there. Chapter 99 is titled “Special Classifications – Commercial”. What exactly does that mean? Housed in Chapter 99 are Harmonized System (H.S.) classifications that are tied to certain conditions; for the most part a specific end use. Goods imported into Canada that are normally dutiable may have an applicable Chapter 99 classification that would render them duty free provided they meet the criteria of the Chapter 99 classification.