Clarification on Rate of IGST on all Reagents Under Heading 3822

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The rate of IGST levied on import and supply of non-diagnostic reagents classified under heading 3822 was litigative. GST council has recently clarified that all laboratory reagents and other goods falling under heading 3822 shall be liable to IGST rate of 12%. 

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Topics: HS Classification

A Year Later… 5 Ways to Get Back to Normal in Trade Compliance


My sense of time has been a little off lately, and I don’t think I’m the only one. In some moments, it seems that I have been confined to my little New England house outside of Boston for an eternity, reliving Groundhog Day over and over.

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Topics: Duty Drawback, HS Classification

Trade in 2021


If I learned anything from 2020, it’s that I don’t know what is in store for the future. In the last few years, we went from talking about how the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would transform trade, to Brexit, to the trade war, to the global pandemic.

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Topics: Duty Drawback, Free Trade Agreements, HS Classification

The Brexit Transition Period is Coming to an End


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The Brexit Transition period ends on December 31st 2020. As of January 1st 2021, the United Kingdom of Great Britain (UK) officially leaves the European Union (EU). Tradewin has identified some key areas that traders need to prepare for when the UK becomes a third country to the EU. These key areas need to be considered regardless if there is an agreement between the EU and the UK, as formalities at the borders will need to be completed.

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Topics: Europe, HS Classification

Customs Valuation - Award for Excellence


In a recent competition regarding Customs Valuation, hosted by the Customs Valuation and Classification Institute under Korea Customs Services, our Tradewin Korea team won an Excellence Award.

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Topics: Asia, HS Classification