The High Stakes of Auto Part HS Misclassification


The automotive industry relies heavily on the global flow of parts and components, making accurate classification within the Harmonized System (HS) critical. This complex system of names and numbers dictates tariffs and facilitates international trade, but its intricacies can be highly challenging for automotive products.

Differences that seem minor in a part description may lead to exponentially different classifications and, as a result, wildly varying duty rates. These differences can have significant financial implications for automotive businesses, impacting everything from production costs to final vehicle pricing.

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Topics: Classification, Tradewin, HS Classification, Automotive

Trade Updates in 2025: Prepare for Change


Following the inauguration of the new administration on January 20th, 2025, there has been significant movement in both statements and confirmed actions that have an impact on trade.

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Topics: United States, Section 301, Tariffs, HS Classification

Prepare for 2025: Critical Updates on EU HS Classification


As businesses brace for 2025, the European Union will introduce significant updates to the Harmonized System (HS) of tariff classification, effective 1 January 2025. These changes, encapsulated in the Combined Nomenclature (CN), are vital for companies engaged in international trade to ensure accurate classification and compliance. The upcoming revisions reflect advancements in statistical requirements, commercial policies, and technological developments.

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Topics: Europe, Tradewin, Tariffs, HS Classification

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Tariff Classification

Chemical Pharma HTS Blog Header

Why is it that chemicals and pharmaceutical items are often classified incorrectly? The answer has more to do with the nature of pharmaceutical trade than the complexity of the tariff (though it is complex). In an industry with its fair share of non-commercial product movements for testing, diagnosis, analysis, and new product development, that ‘newness’ and the speed at which product moves can make compliance determination challenging. However, meeting reasonable care standards makes attention to and investment in an accurate classification process critical. Here are some tips on how to get it right.

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Topics: HS Classification

Suppliers Providing HTS Advice IS Transacting Customs Business

Supplier Providing HTS Advice IS Transacting Customs Business Blog Header

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued ruling H290535 on September 29th, 2022, which specifies that CBP interprets suppliers providing HTS Classifications to US Importers of Record as “transacting customs business” and requiring a customs brokerage license.

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Topics: North America, HS Classification