Becoming an Authorized Economic Operator in the EU (AEO). Is It Worth It?

Becoming an AEO in the EU Is it Worth It - Blog Header

Acquiring an authorization, or as some would say, a certification proves that you have mastered a particular ability. You have spent time studying, understanding, and developing a skill set and are now authorized to apply that skill. You work towards these certifications throughout your life -- be it your Boy/Girl Scout badges, school diplomas, or your driving license.

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Topics: Europe, AEO

Intangible Transfer of Technology Under the European Union Dual-Use Goods Regulation

Intangible Transfer of Technology Blog Header

Understanding Dual-Use regulation, or regulation controlling the export of commodities with a civilian or military end-use, can be complicated. The development of these rules and regulations continues. Regulators are trying to keep up with the technical developments in the market, geopolitical developments globally, and their own economic interests. European regulators meet with traders within the European Union periodically at the European Union (EU) Export Control Forum to discuss the topic at hand and share best practices and developments. 

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Topics: Europe, Export Consulting

Top Four Mistakes With End-Use Statement in the EU

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The European Union (EU) implements control measures for the export, transit, brokerage, and technical assistance of dual-use items in accordance with international non-proliferation treaties and governmental commitments. As items are an important parameter in EU export control measures, the use and users of the items are equally important. EU exporters must provide all necessary information on the end user and end-use for export authorizations. The end-use statement (EUS) is a useful means for measuring risk factors that come from the recipient of the items. However, is this useful tool properly being used for its intended purpose? Common misunderstandings regarding the EUS will be given below in the light of Tradewin's experience.

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Topics: Europe

Russian Sanctions in the European Union and the United Kingdom

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It has been over two months since the start of the invasion by Russia into Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022. As the tensions began to build before the invasion, the Member States of the European Union and the United Kingdom had been threatening to impose sanctions on Russia in the event that they invade Ukraine. Both the European Union and the United Kingdom were quick to enforce the sanctions once military operations commenced.

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Topics: Europe, Asia, Export Consulting, Import Consulting

Update on US Sanctions on Russia

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“As of March 9th, 2022, this license does not authorize export or re-export of controlled items to parties located in the Russia Federation. For additional information, please see suspension letter dated March 2nd, 2022”

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Topics: Europe, Asia, North America