Take Advantage of ACE Training

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Learning how to take full advantage of CBP’s ACE reports is a process. To this end, CBP has produced a series of educational videos dedicated to running, modifying, and saving ACE Reports.

I have watched them, and I believe that they would be useful for any ACE user, from the novice to the expert, and everyone in between.

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Topics: Compliance Training

The Test We Love to Hate: The Customs Broker License Exam


Well, it’s that time again and even though it has been 15 years since I sat down to take “THE TEST,” it still gives me butterflies just thinking about it.

So, if you are taking the U.S. Customs Broker’s Exam on April 4th, whether it is for the first time or the fifth, I thought it would be nice to take a few minutes to remind ourselves why we take the test and what the best study tips are.

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Topics: Compliance Training

No, You Can’t Have Gummy Bears for Dinner, and Other Best Practices



I’m always trolling the internet looking for ideas on a new blog (and new shoes, it’s just fact). As I read my standard compliance publications, I realized that there was not a whole lot of new hot material in the world of Customs Compliance.  Then I ran upon this oldie but goodie that CBP published a few years back: “US Customs and Border Protection Best Practices of Compliant Companies.” 

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Topics: Compliance Training

A Look Back at 2014

As 2014 comes to a close, we can't help but reminisce about the goings on this year. Particularly, our very first year of TradeLane! We've been so happy to share a little expertise, and our passion for global compliance. 

In case you missed any, here's a look back at  the top five TradeLane blog posts from this year.

Which was your favorite? 

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Topics: About us, Compliance Training

20 Awesome Research Sites for the Compliance Nerd

nerdy-manI’m often asked for a link to one government site or another.  There are certainly hundreds of sites to choose from. Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees.  Here is a short list of web sites that contain some basic guidance for a laundry list of compliance issues. 

Have a favorite of your own that didn't make the list? Let us know in the comments below. 

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Topics: Export Consulting, Import Consulting, Compliance Training