It has been over two months since the start of the invasion by Russia into Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022. As the tensions began to build before the invasion, the Member States of the European Union and the United Kingdom had been threatening to impose sanctions on Russia in the event that they invade Ukraine. Both the European Union and the United Kingdom were quick to enforce the sanctions once military operations commenced.
If it feels like the Australia-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (AI CECA) has been a long time coming, it’s only because it has…
Negotiations commenced in May of 2011 and suspended in 2015 while both countries pursued multilateral agreements before recommencing in June of 2020. On the 2nd of April 2022, however, an interim Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI ECTA) was signed, effectively fast-tracking some of the key economic benefits whilst the larger AI CECA continues to be negotiated.
Topics: Asia, South Pacific
Australia's Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, announced that the Australian Government would enact further economic measures against both the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.
Topics: Asia, South Pacific
“As of March 9th, 2022, this license does not authorize export or re-export of controlled items to parties located in the Russia Federation. For additional information, please see suspension letter dated March 2nd, 2022”
Topics: Europe, Asia, North America
India is aggressively working with various countries and economic unions on Free Trade Agreements (FTA). Notwithstanding the benefits, compliance around the utilization has to be robust. We encourage traders to optimize the utilization of FTAs to reduce the duty impact while maintaining proper compliance requirements. If you have any queries on how the latest FTA may impact or benefit your organization, please reach out to our trade compliance consultant professionals at Tradewin India.
Topics: Asia, Free Trade Agreements