Shelley McIlwain, Senior Manager – United States Trade Advisory Services

Shelley McIlwain, Senior Manager – United States Trade Advisory Services
Shelley is a Licensed Customs professional, with greater than 20 years of experience in import compliance complemented by a tax accounting background. Shelley’s experience includes both consulting and in-house Compliance Department management. Shelley specializes in the development of processes, procedures, and tools to support import compliance, the appraisement of Import Merchandise, Preparation for Focused Assessment Audits, the development and implementation of internal audit programs, and the application and Implementation of Trusted Trader Programs. Shelley holds a Customs Brokers license and a B.S. in Accounting from the University of Oregon

Recent Posts

Update - New 301 Tariffs and Exclusion Changes


The Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) recently released a Memorandum outlining actions to be taken in response to the statutory 4-Year Review of the Section 301 Investigation of China’s Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation (Section 301 Investigation).  The review looked at the effectiveness of eliminating China’s technology transfer-related acts, policies, and practices and the overall effects of the tariff actions on the U.S. economy. Based on this review, modifications to the actions have been proposed.

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Topics: Import Consulting, North America

Reconciliation Filings are “Entries”


Since 1993, Reconciliation entries have been a pivotal tool for US importers to simply and expediently make changes to certain elements of an import entry. While some very, very limited classification and 9802 changes can be made using reconciliation filings, the vast majority of adjustments are for value changes after importation or retroactively claiming a free trade agreement like USMCA and 9802. 

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Topics: Import Consulting, North America

FTA Recon: What's Involved in that ABI Transmission?

FTA Recon_Whats Involved in that ABI Transmission_Blog Header

On January 27th, Tradewin published our ‘Reconciliation Step by Step’ guide. For those interested, a copy is available for download below:

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Topics: Reconciliation, Free Trade Agreements

Don't Miss CBP's Reconciliation Webinar


For those of you who have been involved in Customs Entry Reconciliation, you know how complex the program can be.  We are excited to see that CBP will be hosting a webinar that will cover reconciliation fundamentals and provide insight into the various issues the trade community and CBP Centers of Excellence and Expertise (Centers) experience when filing and processing reconciliation entry summaries.  This information was presented to the Trade community on April 11, 2022, in Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) #51568660.

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Topics: Reconciliation, Compliance Training

US 2022 HTS Change Update – Changes Delayed to January 27

122821-HS blogEarlier this year, the World Customs Organization (WCO) released 2022 Harmonized System (HS) Updates. These updates mark the most significant change in the HS nomenclature in five years and require an adjustment of HS codes in member countries. Since this release, US importers have been preparing for the implementation scheduled for January 1, 2022, while monitoring changes in other import markets.

A preliminary release of the 10-digit HTS US changes was made in the US on September 28, 2021.
This release has allowed US importers to start preparing for the impact of this change. CBP has delayed the implementation of these code changes from January 3 to January 27, 2022.

This slight delay will give importers much appreciated time to prepare. If you are looking for help navigating this change, either in the US or globally, please feel free to reach out to Tradewin.

If you would like to read other publications from Tradewin on HTS classification changes, please read Tradewin’s blog originally posted on October 15, 2021, “HS2022: The codes they are a-changin'

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Topics: HS Classification