The much-anticipated final ruling on continuing education for Licensed Customs Brokers was announced on June 22, 2023. As expected, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), will require brokers to complete 36 hours of continuing education each triennial reporting cycle, beginning with the cycle ending in 2027.
Nara Mitchell

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Last year I published a blog entitled “The No-No List.” were I talk about bad ideas in Trade and in my household. Well, a year later I’m sure we are a little older, a little smarter, and my sweet children have learned to stop putting gum in each other’s hair… maybe not but I’m definitely a year older.
Since my first day at Tradewin, I have always been interested in items being seized at the border and general non-compliance. It seems like such an interesting crossroad of illegal activity. Some I think are quite obvious to you and I, while others are not so much.
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I’m always trolling the internet looking for ideas on a new blog (and new shoes, it’s just fact). As I read my standard compliance publications, I realized that there was not a whole lot of new hot material in the world of Customs Compliance. Then I ran upon this oldie but goodie that CBP published a few years back: “US Customs and Border Protection Best Practices of Compliant Companies.”
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