On December 19th, 2023, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued ruling HQ H326926. A US Customs Broker inquired in the ruling as to whether an unlicensed offshore third party could be granted access to its ABI system to prepare customs entry data using shipment documents and other referenced information. In this proposed process flow, the US Customs Broker would review, analyze, and correct any errors or omissions in the prepared data before submitting a completed 7501 entry into the United States.
Matt Springate

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As our Vice President Michael Bellezza spoke about on June 26th, the pace of change in trade compliance regulations and requirements has never been swifter than in the past five years.
The United States market is not unique in grappling with these regulatory challenges. However, the formality with which US Customs & Border Protection, the US Bureau of Industry and Security, and other relevant government agencies enforce regulations, combined with the market size and trade volumes most US-based customers must manage, make this a jurisdiction where strategy and forethought are especially key to ensure trade compliance departments meet their goals.
Topics: About us
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued ruling H290535 on September 29th, 2022, which specifies that CBP interprets suppliers providing HTS Classifications to US Importers of Record as “transacting customs business” and requiring a customs brokerage license.
Topics: North America, HS Classification
On May 3rd, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) issued a notice requesting comments from US domestic industry regarding the extension of Section 301 duties originally imposed in July and August 2018. The request for comments is directed at US domestic industries that have benefited from the Section 301 action, which imposes additional duties on products that are country of origin China.
Topics: Duty Drawback, Asia, HS Classification
**Update: CBP has notified the trade that HTS 9903.88.67 will be activated in ACE on April 12th. Entries filed between April 12th, 2022, and December 31st, 2022, may claim the exclusion at time of importation using this HTS. Importers who paid Section 301 duty on entered merchandise that is now subject to an exclusion between October 12th, 2021 and April 11th, 2022 may recover previously paid duty via a Post Summary Correction (PSC). Tradewin may help with exclusion determinations and helping you build a post entry strategy.**
On March 24th, 2022, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) issued an announcement reinstating certain product exclusions previously granted and expired for items subject to 301 duties. There are 352 product types that have been reinstated as part of this list, covering a broad range of commodities.
Topics: Export Consulting, Import Consulting, North America