It is our 20th anniversary here at Tradewin.
Can you believe it?
I think if you asked any of us here 20 years ago what Tradewin and the rest of the world would look like today, many would be amazed.
I think back to my own earlier times, before my iPhone, the Blackberry before that, to the peace and quiet that preceded it. I would sort through rolled pieces of fax paper full of lunch menus and manage my accounts via my drawers full of files. Oh, the amount of paper we used!
Time has a way of seeming to move slowly and almost imperceptibly, like watching clouds, but as we look back far enough we can see great change.
More than anything, technology has relentlessly moved forward but change can also be seen in politics, business, and finance. In the last 20 years, the Euro came into use, 9/11 changed security, China entered the WTO, and much more. Trade Compliance has started to knit itself together from the country level to the regional level, and ultimately the global level. The rate of change lately feels like light speed.
At Tradewin, we have transformed, grown, and evolved along with the global economy from a few Customs experts to a global practice spanning over 20 cities from Boston to Brisbane. We will continue our evolution over the next twenty years, tethered to our tenets of providing pragmatic solutions on a global level and doing the right thing for our staff and our customers.
That is something that will not change, even if I find myself working in the back seat of a driverless Tesla I hailed from Uber to take me to work.